Charity Galore: IE’s Volunteerism Fair Returns


On October 9, Campus Life, in association with the Charity and SDG Club, held a bustling volunteer fair. Multiple local organizations from Segovia participated and shared information about their causes. Just under twenty operations set up shop, ranging from the Red Cross to IE’s own Sports and Wellbeing, offering options for anyone who wants to connect more to the local Segovian community. And we undeniably owe it to them after that fateful letter. If we can disrupt it with our noise, we can bring harmony with our actions. 

Maybe the locals scare you (it’s okay, they scare me sometimes too).In that case IE offers several opportunities to get involved with the school community. One way is through the Sports and Wellbeing Center, and the other is with the IE Foundation, which works to support exemplary students in our community through scholarships. They are seeking volunteers on a minimal commitment basis, which is a significant plus for busy students during midterms. They are looking primarily for help managing and creating social media content: a fun and creative way to get involved.  

Maybe you don’t want to commit any more of your free time to school (I don’t). That’s fine! If you still want to get involved, the volunteer fair saw many organizations looking for Spanish speakers. If this applies to you, consider checking out groups like Los Cosas Importantes. This initiative helps people of all ages, providing a range of services for various ages. They support their youth members through homework assistance, tutoring, and other general help, and support their adult members with employment training. They’re looking for Spanish-speaking volunteers to help with these processes, especially translations. Maybe you’re like me and only in Español Basico Uno, still struggling to conjugate. That’s perfectly fine too, as plenty of these volunteer spaces need both English and Spanish speakers! For instance, Accem –an organization that works primarily with refugees and immigrants – helps them adopt and learn the Spanish language and culture and is looking for volunteers for language classes and exchanges. 

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Accem and Red Cross members in Segovia gathered for Refugee Day, offering assistance to 2,300 refugees annually.  Image by Ical, source El Dia de Segovia

Organizations such as Down Segovia offer even more hands-on volunteering opportunities. They’re seeking students to spend time with people with Down syndrome in hopes of helping them feel acclimated to various types of people. Down Segovia also assists adults in their programs with job searches, helping their members fully adjust to all kinds of environments before finding a job. Volunteers, in essence, hang out with members of the group, engaging in fun activities ranging from outings to the movie theatres to walks in the park. If this resonates with you, plenty of other places allow this one-on-one experience. One is Aspace, which is set on improving the quality of life for individuals struggling with cerebral palsy and seeks volunteers specifically on Friday afternoons. This is slightly different from the end-of-week celebrations at Bar Street but probably better for the soul in the long run. 

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Down Segovias annual calendar cover image by Jose L Laura, images from Down Segovia 

But maybe that’s all a bit too hands-on for you. Maybe donation is your preferred route of volunteering. Highly respectable, and the volunteer fair has a place for you too. AIDA, a local book store in Segovia, is looking for all sorts of – you guessed it – book donations! Suppose you have more to surrender than just books. In that case, Asociacion de Caridad San Vicente De Paul, which extends basic needs for families by providing clothes, food, and more, is also seeking donations. They host consistent donation drives at Plaza San Esteban, and if this association especially appeals to you, they are also open to direct volunteers who want to become more involved. So, if you’re ever unsure what to do with that old shirt or spare change – now you do! 

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Caridad San Vicente De Paul hosts a fundraiser at the first international sports forum in Segovia, raising money for underprivileged families. Image by Segovia Auda

There were multiple other options to look into for volunteering, just about something for everyone. But on the off chance that this fair’s options don’t appeal to your interest, IE also offers a program where you can find a series of NGOs to volunteer for. After identifying one and following the process, IE will connect you directly to someone at the organization, making sure your message is heard. No longer are the days of lost in translation for you – IE’s got your back on that one. However, if no NGO offered appeals to you, propose your own! You can research and present a volunteer space you find particularly interesting and help it find its home in Segovia. As we’ve seen, there are plenty of ways to get involved in the community: so many it can be overwhelming to know where to start. You’ll see, though, if you participate in any way, shape, or form, Segovia will thank you – and you might end up thanking yourself too!

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