In more than 250 cities around the world — from Mexico city to Tokyo, with the largest gathering in Athens, where more than 800.000 people flooded the Syntagma Square in front of the Parliament — Greeks protested and chanted the names of those who lost their lives in what was callously deemed “an accident.” The worst part? It was entirely preventable.
We have all heard about how AI is going to ‘steal our jobs’, but one of the main reasons we have come so far as a species is… well, because those robots did take over the world, in a sense.
It is very commonplace nowadays to blame capitalism for all our problems, but in this case it has robbed us of an internet created to feed our hunger for discovery.
Using products as cinema promoting commodities was not always the norm. In the 70s, toy companies were not so overt in making movie-related toys or otherwise affiliated merchandise. Enter a young visionary called George Lucas.
Aesthetics: Their application, both the literal Merriam-Webster definition sense as well as the colloquial Gen Z sense, is detrimental to the way we consume, shaping our quality of life. In their very nature, aesthetics allow us to blur the lines between reality and art – a line that can be very easily turned into a double-edged sword.