The Language of the Heart

Music holds the potential of navigating our emotions and may reflect us as individuals more than we may believe as Abdu´l-Baha famously states, “Whatever is in the heart of man, melody moves and awakens. If a heart full of good feelings and a pure voice are joined together, a great effect is produced.”

Why the Mirror Lies: Body Dysmorphia

In a nutshell, it may seem that body dysmorphia is primarily about disliking your own body, however, there is much more to the condition than simply just being unhappy about your appearance.

The Silent Pandemic

Moreover, unpleasant experiences are inevitable, and sometimes they affect us more than we think they did, which can cause us to sacrifice our health or sabotage healthy relationships simply due to unmet needs of the past. All things considered, one's mental health should not be ignored, contrarily, society must shed more light on how truly salient it can be.

How to Avoid Getting Hurt by Someone You Like

In summary, getting hurt by someone you like is generally unavoidable, especially if they may not feel the same way towards you. It is a devastating feeling to know that someone may not entirely feel the same way about you as you do for them, but it is also a completely normal and acceptable feeling as well.

Why Some Buy Their Self-Esteem

The social aspects of today's society can be incredibly frustrating and may even feel demanding to some extent. With self-esteem being a delicate subject for every individual, designer brands do an excellent job of targeting such fragile insecurities for their own gains. Luxury brands including Burberry, Givenchy, and Dior present ridiculously priced goods in the market.

Hana Abulkheir

Second year behaviour and social science student from Egypt but primarily lived abroad. Interested in mental health in well-being.
13 Posts