I love Tiktok. Its crazy efficient algorithm always recommends videos I like, leading me to spend hours on end in the app without even...

When Ideology Matters More Than Lives

Ingriane was a Brazilian woman who lived in a poor region of Rio de Janeiro. After already having birthed three children - whose fathers...

The Binary Cage

Have you ever stopped and wondered: why do I identify as a ‘boy' or a ‘girl’? What do these two words even mean? To...

Not All Men, But All Women

Walking down the street and feeling like you’re being stared at; having a car drive slowly next to you, or even have the driver...

The Book of the Century

Most of us are aware of Yuval Harari’s genius because of his best-seller Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. 21 Lessons for the 21st...

Mariana Atala

19 Posts