A Quarantine Visit to Desperate Literature

I’m walking down a deserted Plaza Santo Domingo with a bit of apprehension in my step. It’s just a few days after the peak...

The Planet of the Humans

Micheal Moore’s documentary “The Planet of Humans” released a week ago on Earth day. It is a film that criticizes the climate movement seemingly...

Its Okay to not be Superhuman during the Quarantine

If you’ve been scrolling your news/twitter/social-media-of-choice feed incessantly during this quarantine, you’re sure to have seen an uncountable number of lists that guide you...

Bojack Horseman – A Modern Day Masterpiece Comes to an End

“No one watches a show to feel feelings. Life is depressing enough already.” Watchers of Netflix’s animated series Bojack Horseman must be willfully self-indulgent then,...

All eyes on Madrid COP25 as the city sets for huge climate protests

Yesterday marked the start of an 11-day long global climate summit in Madrid called the COP (Conference of Parties) 25 where more than...

Rishabh Agrawal

9 Posts