Growing Tensions Between Tokyo and Pyongyang

On October 4, according to Japanese and South Korean authorities, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea launched an intermediate-range ballistic missile over Japan. The...

Papal Visit to Canada: Can the Wounds of Genocide be Healed?

On July 24, Pope Francis arrived in Canada for a papal visit that lasted five days. The visit’s aim was to start a dialogue with...

Not All is Quiet on the Eastern Front: An Analysis of Current Turkish-Russian Relations

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the relationship between Turkey and Russia has deepened. This rapprochement between the two nations serves as...

Analysis: The Downfall of Myanmar

On February 1, 2021, it was announced that Aung San Suu Kyi won Myanmar’s general elections. Aung San Suu Kyi previously served as Myanmar’s...

Analysis: Corsican Nationalist Murder Leads to Collective Cry for Autonomy

On March 13, 7000 Corsican citizens took to the streets of Bastia to protest the death of Corsican nationalist Yvan Colonna, demanding their island's...

Roxane de Bergevin

Half-French and half-Turkish 5th year BBA-BIR student. Lover of reading, learning about geopolitics, and listening to music.
28 Posts