Five things to do in Segovia when your parents come to visit


Home to so many members of the IE community, Segovia is a city located only a couple of kilometers away from Spain’s capital, Madrid, and a second campus to IE University.

Segovia is also known as well to be the perfect destination for a weekend away from the city, and a taste of Spanish history, culture, and delicious gastronomy. 

Having already lived a year in the city, I have gathered some opinions from second-year students about where they would take and have taken someone if they were new to Segovia, especially their parents. 

I asked some second-years:

What were the places that made them feel the need to catch their breath when walking through these streets for the first time? Was it the sight of the Aqueduct? Standing tall and mighty even though centuries have passed since it was first built? Or perhaps, it was their first taste of a glass of Sangria in Plaza Mayor? What’s a memory worth sharing for newcomers to the city that has become a home for them? 

That being said, here are five things to do with your parents in Segovia:

1. Segovia’s most prominent landmark

Located near our campus, the first thing on our list is to view the Acueducto, or Aqueduct in English. 

Image courtesy of Altas Obscura

It was under the rule of Roman emperor Trajan (98-117 CE) and is known worldwide as one of the best examples of preserved architecture from the Roman Empire. What’s left of the original structure stands 28.5 meters tall and extends over 14 kilometers. 

The aqueduct is a vital part of the city’s landscapes, as well as a part of the community, having withstood so many years and provided for so many generations. 

Around the Aqueduct, there are also plenty of restaurants to have a nice meal while enjoying the view, like the Lebanese restaurant Tuma, and the classic Mesón de Cándido where you must reserve to try one of Segovia’s traditional Segovian foods, cochinillo asado

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Image courtesy of El Aderezo

2. Segovia’s (likely) loudest landmark

Second on our list, located in the main square of the city, Plaza Mayor, is the Catedral de Segovia

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Image courtesy of Fascinating Spain

A dedication to the Virgin Mary, the church in Gothic style began its construction during the XVIth century.  What’s so enticing about the cathedral is its history and secrets hidden in its halls. 

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Image courtesy of Thousand Wonders

There is also an art exhibition underground that nobody should miss if they plan to visit the church.

You can enter the cathedral for a small fee of €3, paying by cash or card.

3. Students’ favorite restaurant

And if you are already taking a walk by the cathedral, you shouldn’t miss the restaurants on the main square. 

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Image courtesy of RestaurantGuru

A favorite of many IE students is the restaurant and bar Juan Bravo. One thing that many agree on when providing their opinion for this list was how Juan Bravo was one of their first introductions to a nice meal when moving to the city. Juan Bravo is a place that holds so many memories for the Segovia IE community, the perfect place to get the first taste of Spanish cuisine, and a beautiful sight of the square day or night.

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Image courtesy of Wikipedia

4. Step out of the city into nature

Now that we covered the main points in the city, we will venture down the streets to a green field. 

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Image courtesy of Dreamstime

El Mirador de la Pradera de San Marcos is a beautiful meadow on the outskirts of the Alcázar de Segovia. Surrounded by woods, and with the sight of such a mighty fortress above, the park is the perfect place for a picnic with friends, or to just relax and bask beneath the sun as many students tend to do over the weekends or on a day off. 

Near the meadow are trails that will take around the Río Eresma, Segovia’s river. 

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Image courtesy of Senderismo Madrid

5. Explore the city’s fairytale glamour

Known to be the original inspiration behind the castle in Waltz Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, the Alcázar of Segovia is one of the most distinguished medieval castles across the globe, and a prominent figure of Spain’s tourism. 

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Image courtesy of ABC

Built originally in the XIIth century, over twenty kings have walked through its halls that today are open for the public as it’s used as a museum. This is why stepping into the castle feels like walking into another lifetime.

The prices vary based on what part of the castle you would like to visit; a complete entrance ticket will cost you €8, both the palace and museum are €5,50, and the Tower of Juan costs €2,50. 

The castle is as beautiful and outstanding from the outside as it is on the inside, so after doing a little tour, take a seat at the café and have a drink.

Some call Segovia a hidden gem amongst the rural towns of Spain and an opportunity that does not come very often to have a glance at outstanding landscapes, exquisite gastronomy, and the depths of Spanish culture. Because of this, we hope that with this list, the opportunity may sound more tempting for those who might wish to visit Segovia in the future, with or without their parents.

Valeria Jaramillo
Valeria Jaramillo
Hi! My name is Valeria Jaramillo. I am a 3rd year BIR student from Ecuador and I just enjoy writing about life.

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