There’s a certain beauty and complexity behind the mystery of a murder. That was my first thought as the cast bowed down to the crowd’s praise.
Known for being the most extended play to run in New York City of all time, Perfect Crime by Warren Manzi came alive on stage on March 28th, brought to you by the Segovia branch of the IE Theater Club.

Our Programme
This production was a collaboration between the IE Charity and Social Awareness Club and the IE Theater Club.
The Cast
This cohort presented the story of Margaret Thorne Brent, played by Lara Geermann, a psychiatrist and the potential villain of our story. She has been suspected of being the killer behind the murder of her husband, Harrison Brent, played by Juan Ba Beyhaut.
Also in this brilliant cast was Ajinkya Deshpande, the actor playing the investigation inspector, James Ascher. Then there is Tomás Lemus as Lionel McAuley, one of Margaret’s patients, also a potential suspect, and Santiago Giorgini as David Breuer, a French TV presenter.
“Right off the bat, the cast members understood their characters very well and knew their lines for rehearsals. From, like, the first rehearsals, they knew their lines.
And I was so impressed and excited to see how far and how much we can push the limits of these actors, of these people as actors.” shares one of the play’s directors, Joy.
The play was directed by John Preisler and Joy Saade and produced by Juliette André. Joy and Juliette also work as co-presidents of the club on the Segovia campus.
“It was nice to have a play and the fact that it was a murderer, a murder mystery. I liked doing that. And I feel like the director, John, the co-chair, Juliet, and the producer; all helped bring that image we had in the back of our heads to reality. And it was beautiful to watch, you know?” States Joy after watching the play and seeing their work come to life for the first time in front of an audience.
Costumes and Sets
The cast began rehearsals in October 2022, and the sets have been worked on since January.
The play’s producer, Juliette, said she got most of the set props by using the website Wallapop, getting them from locals around Segovia.
While for the costumes, since the play consists of such a short cast, they picked them up around early March.
Juliette also shares that since they had an idea of what they envisioned for the costumes, it didn’t take much time to find what they were after when picturing the cast performing.
Furthermore, money earned from ticket selling is donated to support Lebanon in partnership with ‘Beit el Baraka,’ a non-profit that seeks to ensure Lebanese families have a good standard of living, including healthcare, food, and education.
Seeing the number of people in Aula Magna on March 28th, counting 181 that registered, the collaboration will succeed.
The Production Itself
From start to finish, Perfect Crime was an experience that left the entire crowd stunned by the sequence of twists and turns as the story progressed until the conclusion.
“There are so many things you wouldn’t expect, making it more interesting. But because you’re like, ‘What can happen?’ You’re surprised. There are so many things that could happen. So, it keeps you on your feet.
There was laughter for one minute, the following multiple gasps of shock. Every minute was entertaining and well spent.
In A Nutshell
Perfect Crime is a play that has been known since its premiere in 1987 for its surprising plot, and this performance was no different. Perfect Crime was the ideal event before departing the campus for Spring Break.