The IEU Law Society: Adventurous Affairs


Finding a position in legal extracurriculars as a first-year law student might be challenging. We are continually encouraged to attend networking and guest speaker events in addition to the numerous courses and seminars offered by IE, which cater to all possible student interests. The aforementioned are some great opportunities afforded to students by the university itself; yet, some student-led activities might be even more advantageous when it comes to enhancing soft skills and putting what you have learned in the classroom to use. Even though most of the time, as law students, we disregard many of these opportunities presented, one of the main assets IE holds is the Law Society. 

So, what is the IEU Law Society?

The IEU Law Society was founded in 2013. It provides an inclusive environment for students to gain legal understanding through conferences, workshops, and networking opportunities. 

Although well-known among law students, the society has concentrated on fostering a supportive environment for all its members. This past week, the IEU Law Society held a stand at the Club Fair to promote their organization. It also aimed to recruit members for both the Segovia and Madrid campuses. On each campus, they have hosted their own respective events. In Madrid, the IEU Law Society  hosted guest speakers on entrepreneurship, intellectual property, and other legal interest areas. Some of these events included “The European Digital Agenda and Competitive Framework,” which was co-hosted with Margarethe Verstager. Another event, co-hosted with Mairead McGuiness, focused on “Tackling the FinTech Sector Challenges in Europe.” It also included a Q&A with moderators Borja Santos and Luis Maldonado. 

On par, the Segovia campus hosted an event with professors Sonsoles Arias Guedón and Sergio Verdugo. The topic was “The Constitutional Process in Chile” and aimed to show the changing political situation of the country. 

What do we look forward to with the IEU Law Society?

The leadership team has planned a variety of events for the upcoming spring semester. Their target is to diversify their offering to attract more students beyond those with law degrees. Moreover, the society plans to host crossover events with other organizations at IE to foster a more inclusive environment. Some collaborations to be expected include the Film Club, GirlsUp Club, and the Debate Club.   

To achieve their target, the Law Society is launching “News in the Legal World” and “Legal Curiosities.” The former is designed to make the law more easily understandable and accessible to everyone. It focuses on simplifying legal wording to be understood by people without prior knowledge. Moreover, it will efficiently convey important legal developments, keeping students up to date with significant changes that affect them. The Law Society will also share stories and events about law to enrich readers’ experiences based on personal interests. The latter, “Legal Curiosities,” is a project that concentrates on trending legal news that one may consider outside the norm. It provides an opportunity to expand knowledge through educational entertainment about unexpected legislation.  

Now, is it worth joining?

I have got to be honest when I say that I am pretty straight-shooting about my opinions. Most students enjoy their university life outside of campus. Whether it be with a nice glass of wine on a sunny afternoon or enjoying Spain’s nightlife, I am totally on board with one’s time being taken up with good-for-the-soul activities. However, everything about life is a balance, and in this case, the IEU Law Society provides that. It is never too early or late to start getting involved in our community’s events. As the law society approaches this more multidisciplinary view of collaboration with other areas of study, it benefits everyone.

One of the main issues at IE is the cliques formed within degrees, which jeopardise socialization in academic settings. We all know that Irish is a whole other story. Academic opportunities for socializing are essential networking tools that allow us to learn with others who, in the future, will be working on different projects around the world. It therefore encourages communication and strengthens soft skills. Personally, I had not considered joining the law society, even as a law student, until I wrote this article. Life is always about trying something new and unexpected—something that, in the end, challenges you to become better. Through the structure the IEU Law Society plans to implement moving forward, there will be ample opportunities to get involved and help change the IEU Experience, something we pride ourselves in, through this organisation, one day at a time.

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