Interviews With Student Government Elections Team Leaders


Team Serendipity : 

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President , Fiona Wu and Vice-President, Pedro Jose Raful

Why did you decide to run for Student Government ?

Fiona Wu – “Ever since Pedro and I came to IE, we noticed a few things that IE could improve. This is why we also took the chance to become class delegates – which is something that we have done for the past two years. Since then we have become the leaders within our class. We are used to representing our classmates concerns and putting pressure on professors, when it comes to issues such as grading. This is why we wanted to run and create a safe heaven were students can feel secure, as well as make them feel like they have someone that will listen to them.”

Pedro Jose Raful – “On a more personal note, the reason why I decided to run for student government, in my case came from before I new I was coming to IE. I had always wanted to take on a leadership role, no matter what that meant. This is why after coming to IE and meeting Fiona and seeing how she works, I saw that same interest in her. Therefore, even from home and on the midst of the quarantine we began to plan how we wanted to organize our campaign and who did we want to have as part our team”

Why do you think your team represent or will represent IE values ? 

Fiona Wu – “When Pedro and I started prepring ourselves for the campaign we began to identify different types of students, that where in different degrees, that came from different places and that where part of different clubs. In order to have a bigger range of people that we believed could do a good job and take on the different student government positions. This is why we picked the people that could complement us and, each other in different ways.”

Pedro Jose Raful – “Diversity was the main focus when we began to choose our team. This is why we took our time to choose who would we want to run with, to the extent that we started to scout people a few months prior to the elections to get a sense of who was really interested. But even though we were aware that student government has always pushed for extra curricular events we wanted to bring seriousness back to IE. Of course we do believe that it is important but we didn’t want things such as what happened last year with Sean Paul to be the main focus of the elections. Thats why we wanted to have a balance within our team.”

If you could describe yourself with just one word, which one would it be and why ? 

Fiona Wu – “For me my word would be deliver, I’ve have always been known as a person who delivers. All my professors, all my classmates know that I deliver when it comes to academics. When it comes to family, seeing as I am very far away I need to make sure that I deliver to them what is expected of me, and I also try to keep that physical and more personal connection with them — when it comes to friendships I am always there to lend a helping hand no matter what.”

Pedro Jose Raful – “The word that I would use to describe myself is ambitious. Before university and always, I have had really big dreams. I don’t measure my success in the things I’ve done, I measure my success in how I feel when I have accomplished something and during the process of doing so. Even if the goal changes I will always reach it not matter what happens, and now my ambition is focused on student government.”

How did you choose your team ?

Fiona Wu – “When we first started to figure out who would join our team we started with a broad perspective but once we knew who we wanted, we began to ask them what they could offer the team. With that we began to have a more narrow focus on what we want to accomplish with our proposals and during the campaign.

Pedro Jose Raful – “We didn’t have a specific criteria for people, our main focus was to choose people that matched our values. This is why as we started to choose our team members we wanted to be sure that they would be willing to work together and work with us to better the university”

A fun fact(s) that the IE community would be surprised to know about you? 

Fiona Wu – “Every time I debate or present I imagine myself as if I was a specific person (JFK, or House of cards character etc.) and I mimc their tone, when I was in high school I got diagnosed with turrets syndrome, and lastly I am very faithful and religious person. (I have been praying all through these elections)”

Pedro Jose Raful – “I love jazz music —when I was younger I used to play the saxophone. Every time I am having a hard time, or having a mental break down I lay on the floor for hours , and something that happens to me a lot and that my colleagues get annoyed by is that my legs shake every time I am in class or in a test.

Team Legacy : 

President, Daniel Aguilera

Why did you decide to run for Student Government ?

Daniel Aguilera – “I have always been an active member in the IE community and because of that I realized all the amazing things that students can do. This is why I wanted to represent them and serve their needs to the best of my abilities by running for student government.”

Why do you think your team represent or will represent IE values ? 

Daniel Aguilera – “My team represents IE values in the sense that, we are a highly diverse team and we take advantage of our diversity. We are super creative and we love to think out of the box. We are also super serious about our work and we really want to deliver all our promises if we were to be elected.

If you could describe yourself with just one word, which one would it be and why ? 

Daniel Aguilera – ” I am a listener, I always listen to my team and I feel like is the best solution when converting ideas to a reality. I feel like this is also very important in order to be part of an efficient student government, because we represent everyone and that’s why by listening we expect to thrive”

How did you choose your team ?

Daniel Aguilera – “If I am honest it was quite spontaneous. Clem one of our team members started reaching out and those that applied just like me began to formulate ideas. Thats how we became the team that we are.” 

A fun fact(s) that the IE community would be surprised to know about you? 

Daniel Aguilera – “When I was a teenager I became World Champion of Kempo Karate, and that has helped me a lot with my physical and personal growth throughout the years.” 

Team The HIVE :

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President, Abdul Salam

Why did you decide to run for Student Government ?

Abdul Salam – “So what made me decide to run for student government was the fact that I have been involved in student government initiatives since I started in IE. Not to mention the fact that I ran with team WHITE during my second year and later on took on the post of presidential advisor for the current student government. — All though I have seen the things that have been done I feel like we still need a sense of community within our campuses. This is why the platform I am running with is based on the fact of building that sense of belonging and improve the overall quality of the IE experience.”

Why do you think your team represent or will represent IE values ? 

Abdul Salam – “I think my team will represent IE values because we have all been active community members ever since we began to study. They all have really good traits and are very approachable. I feel like all us truly care about our peers and the future of our university.”

If you could describe yourself with just one word, which one would it be and why ? 

Abdul Salam – “If I could describe myself in one word I would say that I am courageous. What I mean by that is, that I don’t hesitate on taking risks and challenging myself — I don’t hessite when going against the status quo. I always try to listen to others and how they feel but, at the end of the day I always deliver what I have promised.”

How did you choose your team ?

Abdul Salam – “I was thinking about running ever since the last elections — so I knew who I wanted to create a team with. I wanted people who could deliver and that are passionate about bettering the IE community. I also wanted people that embodied each position, in order to strengthen the brand of what is student government.”

A fun fact(s) that the IE community would be surprised to know about you? 

Abdul Salam – “I love to listen to Celine Dion in the shower —she helps me think, I am able to sleep more than 20 hours if I can, and every time I get excited I make a very distinctive sound to show my excitement” 

If you want to learn more about who these passionate students are stay tuned to the second electoral campaign debate!

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