Keeping Yourself Busy Online


As Spring Break begins at IE, it is easy for us to fall out of our daily routines and stay in all-day, binging Netflix. Here are some tips on how to stay busy while spending the break at home!

Create a daily checklist every day to help you maintain productivity in classes, personal projects, and daily plans. It is even important to list down easy tasks such as getting dressed, eating breakfast, and cleaning your room. Checking off each box will keep you on track and allow you to feel rewarded after you see your checklist complete.


Check your campus announcements every day. During these hectic times, it may be easy to forget about an upcoming deadline. Make sure to check all the announcements you get to ensure you don’t fall behind.


Add a new decorative piece to your room by painting. There are tons of painting tutorials and other DIYs on Youtube. Not only will you be able to de-stress through art, but you’ll also have a unique new statement piece to hang up on your wall.

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Implement mediation into your routine by using apps like “Headspace” to help you get started with an activity that some of the most successful people in the world swear by.


Pick up a new book! If you don’t have any interesting ones at home, look for a free PDF format online or download the audio version on Audible.


Learn something new by checking out some of the free documentaries on IDFA’s website.


Does your weekends usually consist of museum visits and exhibit viewings? You can now visit some of the most world-class museums virtually. Check out the Louvre, Guggenheim, Vatican Museums, and others now.


We all need a good excuse to go outside to our gardens. Order some seeds online and start planting your favorite flower or vegetable. Not only will you get a fresh breath of air, but you’ll also be able to watch something grow.


Enroll as an “Ivy-League Student,” by taking one of the 450 free courses from Ivy League schools. Whether it’s a Harvard history class or UPenn entrepreneurship course, you’ll be able to keep learning about interesting topics even during Spring Break.


Need someone to practice your language skills with? Download the app “HelloTalk” where you can send textual or audio messages to the native speakers of the language you want to learn.


Elevate your Linkedin and CV by obtaining a certification in topics such as Google Analytics or AI. One we recommend the most is Google’s Fundamentals in Digital Marketing and various Accenture Digital Skills certificates. 


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