Tags: Books

Should We Really Be Switching to Digital School Libraries?

In conclusion, both digital and physical libraries are valuable. I definitely welcome the use and promotion of online collections of books and have often relied on them for both personal and professional reading.

The Case for Rewatching Classics

Rewatching movies will always be worth it because there is nothing better than watching something that you know you are going to enjoy. The real educational benefits that it has are just a bonus.

Banned Knowledge

We all know the quote “Knowledge is power’’, and we all can acknowledge that most of our knowledge comes from literature and books. So what if that is banned? 

Kafkaesque and readable: Catch-22’s ‘just right’

Any reader interested in Kafka should begin with Heller. Specifically, if you are interested in The Trial I would recommend you start with Catch-22. Here is why.

Crunchy Leaves and Cozy Pages: 5 Books That Will Have You Falling for Love

Are you looking for a cheesy, guilty-pleasure book to read in a warm blanket as the leaves fall? These five stories are perfect for...


Why Doing Scary Things Is so Important

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl What truly pushes you out of your comfort zone? For some, stepping out of their comfort zone means traveling alone,...

Euro Betting Tips – Football European Championship 2024

Just in time for the European Championships, the Stork provides a guide for students to bet on the football teams participating in this year's games.

Editorial Announcement for the 2024-25 Academic Year

The academic year 2023-2024 has been an exciting period of growth for The Stork! The completely student-led and managed media outlet, with a team...