Tags: Coronavirus

One Click Away

A few weeks ago, my grandmother said to me: “studying nowadays is much easier than it was before. All you need is a computer”....

La lucha se ganó

En enero la ilusión nos llenó, de volver a ver a esas amistades que tanto nos marcó, de abrazar a nuestros amigos, de cumplir la meta que...

¡Pura vida!: El secreto de Costa Rica en tiempos de COVID-19

Costa Rica es un pequeño país en América Central. Es famoso por sus bellos paisajes y por su naturaleza, ya que contiene cerca del...

¡Cuarentena en Segovia!: Anécdotas del IE

El 4 de marzo, a todos los estudiantes de Segovia les llegó un correo anunciando que el Campus de Segovia permanecería cerrado por tan...


En menos de 5 meses en el 2020, el mundo ya ha sido testigo de varios episodios que demuestran cómo este año será diferente...

Covid 19 – Y los immigrantes…

El Covid 19 parece que es el único tema que obtiene reportajes, y sinceramente puede parecer negativo y tedioso. Es importante que durante estos...

Every Man for Every Man

Blanca Rollnert shares her thoughts on the spirit that has arisen in Spain in the midst of a COVID-19 crisis.

Completely Digital SG Elections Announced amid Coronavirus Pandemic

In its most recent newsletter, IE released its official announcement concerning the beginning of the 2020/21 Student Government elections. Despite the troubles of coronavirus...

Its Okay to not be Superhuman during the Quarantine

If you’ve been scrolling your news/twitter/social-media-of-choice feed incessantly during this quarantine, you’re sure to have seen an uncountable number of lists that guide you...

Brothers on a Winning Streak | IEU Rugby Club Madrid

By Marc Andrianoff from IEU Rugby Madrid.  “Rugby is the story of a ball with friends around, and when there is no ball left, the...


La DANA del siglo: catástrofe y destrucción

Valencia, Teruel, Málaga, Almería, Granada, Albacete, Cuenca, Murcia, Castellón, así como otros lugares en Baleares, Castilla y León, Cataluña y Aragón, han estado bajo...

Do We Have Free Will? A Look Into Both Schools of Thought.

The question of whether humans possess free will has been a captivating topic of debate since the time of the Ancient Greeks. This discussion...

From Stamps to Sonny Angels: The Psychology Behind Collecting

Regardless of the items, collecting is an action fundamental to the human experience. Why do we collect and what does it say about us? I fell down a deep rabbit hole pondering over this question and I am happy to share my findings with you.