Tags: Culture

Unwrapping the Magic of Latin American Christmas Celebrations

Grab your cafecito and come along to learn about the holiday experience in Latin America

Social Media: An empowering tool for attention-craving narcissists.

Narcissism is on the rise and digital media has become a powerful tool to empower an attention-fame-craving society.

A Shift in International Student Mobility: Understanding the Choice of Europe.

Since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of international students traveling abroad for university has increased. Traditionally, the U.S. has been the number one destination for these students, but Europe is vying for this spot now. By interviewing IE students, The Stork explores students' reason for choosing Europe over the U.S.

The importance of Empathy in a divided world.

It is worth asking ourselves what this core value is and why it is relevant in bridging the gaps in our society. How does it influence social structures and promote mutual understanding, and what is the role of empathy in global politics when making decisions? Many argue that having empathy is not a concrete action to create social union and reduce polarization at the community and international levels. However, it is possible. 

Banned Knowledge

We all know the quote “Knowledge is power’’, and we all can acknowledge that most of our knowledge comes from literature and books. So what if that is banned? 

Cultural Diversity at IE: A Hauntingly Spooky Season Experience

If there’s something that IE is known for, is diversity. Students from different backgrounds and nationalities find ways to make themselves comfortable in a new environment - here is their impact on Segovia's Halloween celebration.

Broken Spirits and Bombay Hindi

Broken were not my sentences, or my love for my country. Broken was a metaphor for my spirits. Spirits that carry within them the power to make peace with our fluid identities.

Kafkaesque and readable: Catch-22’s ‘just right’

Any reader interested in Kafka should begin with Heller. Specifically, if you are interested in The Trial I would recommend you start with Catch-22. Here is why.

World Cup 2030 Assigned to Spain!

FIFA has announced the six co-hosts for World Cup 2023, one of whom is Spain. In anticipation, the Stork breaks down the historical significance around host countries and explains why 2030 will be a particularly exciting year for football.

Nobel Prize Season: 2023’s Full List of Laureates

The Stork breaks down the list of 2023 Nobel Prize laureates and their important achievements.


Democracia transnacional en la Unión Europea: un camino innovador hacia la gobernanza global

La idea de democracia transnacional es un concepto innovador que ha cobrado relevancia en las últimas décadas.

You Are an Addict.

Are you addicted? I know I am, and chances are, you are too. The modern economy thrives on dopamine. Happy consumers are loyal consumers. Awareness is control. Hold on to your consumer power.

Claudia Sheinbaum: Primera Presidenta de México

Más de siete décadas después de que las mujeres obtuvieran el derecho al sufragio en el país, se celebra la llegada de la primera mujer al cargo más alto del Estado