Tags: Education

De Madrid a Roma: un Erasmus que cambia vidas

Muchos estáis esperando el momento de que por fin llegue vuestro tan esperadísimo “Erasmus”, una experiencia que recomiendo a todo el mundo.

The Bloodbath of IE Labs Enrollment: A Legal Analysis

By Vanessa Chioaru This article is written in conjunction with the IE Law Society. Twice a year, the monumental Labs sign up day is upon us....

Are measures against using Artificial Intelligence at IE University driving Innovation?

Are the measures IE has taken since the launch of Generative AI a trend in the professor’s teaching and evaluation methods to prevent students from using AI in written assignments?

Year Two final of the Mitchell L. McLean Mock Trial: A Spectacle of Sharp Thinking and Legal Acumen

On 13 November 2023, ELSA IE held the second final of the Mitchell L. McLean Mock Trial. The competition, based on the U.S. common law system, allows students to step into the shoes of U.S. litigators as they go up against each other in teams. The Stork breaks down this latest experience in an eye-opening article.

IE Challenge Is in Desperate Need of Fixing

Far too many students have a problem with the IE Challenge course. The main reason for this is that many find it irrelevant to their degrees, which causes bore-out and triggers further disengagement throughout the class. Students also have additional concerns like the workload of the course, especially for some Challenges which revolve around difficult-to-contact users, as well as concerns over grades.

Why Trusting Your Teammates Is Just As Important As Knowing Your Facts

I know for myself that it is not easy to let go when relying on others, especially when it is a project that affects your whole degree or is very dear to you. But I appeal to everyone, including myself, to at least put your mind to it.  In a world as uncertain and challenging as we are living in right now, we need leaders who can not only talk but listen, leaders who are secure in their facts just like their mistakes, and leaders who can trust in themselves just like in others.

A Shift in International Student Mobility: Understanding the Choice of Europe.

Since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of international students traveling abroad for university has increased. Traditionally, the U.S. has been the number one destination for these students, but Europe is vying for this spot now. By interviewing IE students, The Stork explores students' reason for choosing Europe over the U.S.

The importance of Empathy in a divided world.

It is worth asking ourselves what this core value is and why it is relevant in bridging the gaps in our society. How does it influence social structures and promote mutual understanding, and what is the role of empathy in global politics when making decisions? Many argue that having empathy is not a concrete action to create social union and reduce polarization at the community and international levels. However, it is possible. 

Banned Knowledge

We all know the quote “Knowledge is power’’, and we all can acknowledge that most of our knowledge comes from literature and books. So what if that is banned? 

Non-Violence is Not Effective: Why We Can’t Use India As a strong Argument

Gandhi incorporated this idea through the Hindu principle of satyagraha, which memorialised the Indian Independence movement as one of non-violence. However, there were a series of specific conditions in India that enabled the movement to avoid violence, conditions that definitely don’t exist in most oppressed communities. 


Economic Impacts of Hosting the Olympics: Is Paris’ Investment Paying Off?

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl  This year, all eyes are on the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. It is one of the world's most famous...

Kenya Unrest: Inside the Tax Riots that Rocked Nairobi

By Lilli-Sage Bayes Kenya, renowned for its dynamic economy and relative stability in the East African region, is currently experiencing a wave of protests that...

Why Doing Scary Things Is so Important

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl What truly pushes you out of your comfort zone? For some, stepping out of their comfort zone means traveling alone,...