Tags: Friends

Euro Betting Tips – Football European Championship 2024

Just in time for the European Championships, the Stork provides a guide for students to bet on the football teams participating in this year's games.


Ciclos finitos, soles eternos, noches de festejo, copas como espejos. Fiesta, ecos despiertos, desnudos paseos, y sentimientos a flor de piel.

IE Global Village Day: A Taste of Diversity 

For yet another year students from different backgrounds gathered to stand behind a nicely decorated table with samples of treats, trinkets and other interesting things originating from their countries.

Why Platonic Connections Matter Just As Much As Romantic Relationships (Especially in Your 20s)

My best friend visited me last weekend, and I once again was in awe of what that girl could do to my mental health, my motivation, and my general level of happiness to simply be alive. Therefore, I want to take this moment to talk about platonic relationships and soulmates, and how crucially they can affect the development of your 20s.

FOMO: A University Student’s Biggest Enemy

There’s a phenomenon that tends to be common among university students, a phenomenon that for some has never been a problem, and for others can be confusing and frustrating. I'm talking about FOMO.

A Fresh Start: September Events at IE Segovia

Here are some of the most exciting events occurring in Segovia to welcome new and returning students this year

Spring Cleaning: A Perfect Renaissance

As Madrid's sun begins to warm us like a gentle hug and its brightness begins to cure our seasonal depression, we awaken from our...

Love-struck Segovia: The MENA Club Sets Up Students

Dates are nerve-racking enough, but blind dates can be even more so.  When getting together with someone new, in a new environment, probably in public,...

How To Organize The Great Segovia Bake-Off

Want an original activity for your friends and peers? Read up on how to conduct an imitation Great British Bake-Off, on a budget, in Segovia!


Do We Have Free Will? A Look Into Both Schools of Thought.

The question of whether humans possess free will has been a captivating topic of debate since the time of the Ancient Greeks. This discussion...

From Stamps to Sonny Angels: The Psychology Behind Collecting

Regardless of the items, collecting is an action fundamental to the human experience. Why do we collect and what does it say about us? I fell down a deep rabbit hole pondering over this question and I am happy to share my findings with you.

Gen Z Retrospective: The Menendez Brothers

On the night of August 20th, 1989, Lyle and Erik Menendez, 21 and 18, entered their Beverly Hills home with shotguns in their arms and took their parents’, José and Mary Louise ‘Kitty’ Menendez, lives. What folllowed were chaotic years, bringing us to now, after serving 35 years in prison and a resurgence in their case. How has society's perspective changed?