Tags: Global

Super Bowl LIX: A Battle for the Ages

The event that started in 1967 has become the world's most-watched single sporting event and the biggest media event of the year. Lasting nearly 4 hours and garnering hundreds of millions of viewers, to the point that companies spend on average nearly 8 million dollars for a 30-second ad spot.

Derecho internacional privado en el siglo XXI: tendencias y desafíos

En una época basada en la globalización, la integración y la creciente interdependencia económica, se está produciendo un cambio gradual en los vectores de...

La muerte de la comunicación

La “Teoría del Internet Muerto” propone que el Internet ‘murió’ sobre el año 2016, cuando los humanos fueron sustituidos por redes de procesos automatizados...

La sorpresa del voto latino en las elecciones estadounidenses: causas y motivos 

Donald J. Trump ha lanzado una multitud de comentarios racistas contra los latinos en Estados Unidos. Concretamente, estos comentarios incluyen su declaración de que...

China’s Strategic Vision: Rethinking Global Aid

By Maximilian Marweld China's renewed superpower status, heralded by its economic momentum, has so far mostly expressed itself in the arenas of soft power. If still...

Sudan in a Global Blind Spot: The Largest Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds

As of November 2024, half of Sudan requires immediate humanitarian aid, facing what the UN’s humanitarian chief describes as an “invisible crisis”. While 25 million Sudanese are in need of immediate assistance, the world has barely taken notice with attention fixed on other major conflicts such as Gaza and Ukraine.

Barcelona: When and What?

Waking up to a severe weather alert blasting and my flight being delayed is not what I wish to remember about my last day...

El negocio del odio

En la víspera de elecciones estadounidenses, el tiempo se distorsiona.

Conversations for Change: Manuel Muñiz, Advisor in Club de Madrid, in Interview with The Stork

In this interview, we explore complex issues with Manuel Muñiz. This is the result of a collaboration between The Stork and Club de Madrid.

La evolución del sistema internacional: desde la hegemonía hacia la multipolaridad

El sistema internacional actual es el producto de una historia compleja, un entramado forjado por guerras, luchas de poder y confrontaciones ideológicas.


Behind Suprey: A Founder’s Mission to Clean Protein 

Rodriguez began taking protein supplements long before co-founding Suprey, mentioning that taking protein truly changed her life.

Hurto y Robo: Understanding Madrid’s Pickpocketing Laws

This article is written in conjunction with the IE Law Society. By Aronnya Saha Madrid, the city whose busy streets and rich culture we all know...

Parthenope: Sorrentino Delivers a Celestial Letter to Naples

By Arthur Osborne-Young Paolo Sorrentino continues his expansion into Italian maximalism with his newest installation, Parthenope. Paolo’s connection to Naples is explored further in his...