Tags: Global


SEGOVIA - The annual IEU Lab Fair took place on November 5th, 2019 in the Segovia campus Student Hub. The event was dedicated to...

Cinco palabras y dos números

En Costa Rica, cada 28 días hay un femicidio. Son cinco palabras y dos números. ¿Relevante? Cada 28 días. Cada casi un mes. Cada periodo menstrual. Una mujer muere. Y sí, puede ser...

5 candidatos a 5 días del 10N

Las últimas elecciones generales del 28 de abril dieron lugar a un Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) con 123 escaños, holgada mayoría parlamentaria y...

Al-Qaeda – The Most Impactful NGO of the 21st Century

SEGOVIA - On the 10th of October, the PLE Society held its launch event. Since the weather was ideal, instead of meeting in the...


¿Qué es una calaverita? “La calaverita literaria es una composición tradicional mexicana, que se hace de forma picaresca y chusca mediante versos y rimas,...

First Hike for Segovia Campus Organized by IEU Athletics

SEGOVIA - Due to popular demand, IEU Athletics Segovia announced their first hiking activity on Saturday, October 12th, which will be done in Seven...

Concentration camps in China?

SEGOVIA - An ethnic cleansing is currently taking place in China against the Uighur Muslims. They are being abducted and incarcerated arbitrarily in what...

The Democratic Debate: A Few Takeaways

SEGOVIA - On Tuesday the 15th of October yet another Democratic Debate took place, the first since the impeachment inquiry was launched. Twelve candidates...

Nueva Ley De Amnistía – México

Pasar leyes de amnestia normalmente implican que un país esta progresando o saliendo de una situación difícil, pero ¿son siempre lo que un país necesita? Y, ¿quién las debería decidir comparado con quién las decide? México acaba de proponer una ley de amnestia al Congreso, pero ¿qué implica esta ley?

Catalunya y el Supremo

14 de octubre de 2019: el Tribunal Supremo dicta sentencia sobe el mediático caso del “Procés”. Las penas varían de acuerdo con los delitos...


Economic Impacts of Hosting the Olympics: Is Paris’ Investment Paying Off?

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl  This year, all eyes are on the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. It is one of the world's most famous...

Kenya Unrest: Inside the Tax Riots that Rocked Nairobi

By Lilli-Sage Bayes Kenya, renowned for its dynamic economy and relative stability in the East African region, is currently experiencing a wave of protests that...

Why Doing Scary Things Is so Important

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl What truly pushes you out of your comfort zone? For some, stepping out of their comfort zone means traveling alone,...