Tags: Global

StuGov President’s Address to Freshers from Opening Ceremony

During last week's Opening Ceremony, held on Thursday, Sep.12th, the Student Government President Umberto Greco gave the following speech as an address towards the incoming freshers. President Greco emphasized the importance of IE's key pillar values, such as Diversity, Entrepreneurship, Humanities, and Innovation, as well as encouraged the incoming freshmen to actively engage in campus activities. 

Segovia Campus Sports Courts Will Remain Closed

Over the weekend between September 14th and 15th, the new sports courts recently constructed at the Segovia Campus will be closed, informed Vice-Rector for Student Affairs.

GNH and Bhutan: Tying policies to Happiness

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been heavily criticized for its limitations in measuring economic performance. As Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, has pointed...

Democrazy? Oscar Martinez Vs. Balder Hageraats

On February 26th, the IEU Debate Club hosted a historic debate. In what is thought of as the debate of the year, Oscar Martinez...

Kavanaugh, an American Tragedy

The United States Supreme Court is one of the most influential institutions of the US and a hallmark to the globe. When the US was set up by its Founding Fathers, the judiciary was created as an impartial and independent pillar upon which liberty rests. Yet, today the impartiality and independence of the Supreme Court is undeniably at risk upon the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh as the newest addition to the nine judge panel.

Uncertain Crypto-Future

Cryptocurrencies are a decentralized digital currency grounded on anonymity and security, lacking a regulatory organization. Their role in the rising global, and Chinese, digital...


Economic Impacts of Hosting the Olympics: Is Paris’ Investment Paying Off?

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl  This year, all eyes are on the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. It is one of the world's most famous...

Kenya Unrest: Inside the Tax Riots that Rocked Nairobi

By Lilli-Sage Bayes Kenya, renowned for its dynamic economy and relative stability in the East African region, is currently experiencing a wave of protests that...

Why Doing Scary Things Is so Important

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl What truly pushes you out of your comfort zone? For some, stepping out of their comfort zone means traveling alone,...