Tags: Health

¿Nuestra salud mental a riesgo de ser juzgados?

No es ninguna sorpresa cuando la gente nos dice que cuidemos nuestra salud mental, ha pasado a ser un tema un poco “mainstream” del...

Integration Essential to rid IE Student Body of ‘Thursday night hooligans’ image: IE Students Go Home Series

To remedy our reputation with Segovians as a whole, we must interact with the community. Next time you visit the supermarket, ask how the cashier’s day is going. When riding in a taxi, strike up a conversation with the driver. Ridding this “aura of superiority” will show locals there’s more to us than Thursday night hooligans.

Being “busy” is not a permanent state of being

People feel like they need to work out loud, but that’s not the case. The main thing that sets us apart from each other...

Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

When many of us hear about health, we often think of diet and exercise. However, there is more to health than just dieting and...

Una cuestión de orgullo

Con motivo del Día de la Hispanidad, las llamas de debates y controversias se avivan siempre con intensidad. Aunque quizás el más famoso de...

FitClub Collective – How an IE Club became a business

During last year's spring, Camila and her partner, Laura Rushton, had founded a collective, attracting ten of motivated students who wished to follow their energetic classes and healthy lifestyles. Hence, we were curious to know who was behind this project and inquired about how she strived to become an entrepreneur with a great vision and a considerable ambition.

Stress. Don’t Let it Control You!

Stress. We all know how it can spur us forward with motivation or cripple our chances of success. When we perceive a stressful stimulus,...

GNH and Bhutan: Tying policies to Happiness

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been heavily criticized for its limitations in measuring economic performance. As Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, has pointed...

Fast Fashion: Why You Might Want to Consider an Alternative

It's tempting. I know. When you walk into Zara or H&M, the colors, the variety, the prices—it seems that they genuinely have something for everyone no matter how you define your style. The success of fast-fashion brands has grown exponentially since the late 90’s, however, it is a universally accepted truth that ethical consumption is becoming more and more difficult, as mass consumerism has led to companies aiming to produce as much as possible with the lowest cost.

Grief: Wings that are meant for flying

One thing we can all be sure of, due to the nature of our dimension, is that there is always a beginning and an...


Economic Impacts of Hosting the Olympics: Is Paris’ Investment Paying Off?

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl  This year, all eyes are on the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. It is one of the world's most famous...

Kenya Unrest: Inside the Tax Riots that Rocked Nairobi

By Lilli-Sage Bayes Kenya, renowned for its dynamic economy and relative stability in the East African region, is currently experiencing a wave of protests that...

Why Doing Scary Things Is so Important

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl What truly pushes you out of your comfort zone? For some, stepping out of their comfort zone means traveling alone,...