Tags: Trends & Tips

Barcelona: When and What?

Waking up to a severe weather alert blasting and my flight being delayed is not what I wish to remember about my last day...

Hosting 101: Secrets to Throwing a Perfect Housewarming Party

Moving into a new apartment is exciting! Here are some tips for hosting the perfect housewarming party!

Euro Betting Tips – Football European Championship 2024

Just in time for the European Championships, the Stork provides a guide for students to bet on the football teams participating in this year's games.

The Politics Behind What You Eat

How often do you question why a certain food is trending? Nowadays the nutrition world has polarising opinions on a plethora of foods, which makes it harder for consumers to determine what is true. 

Get Rid of Public Speaking Jitters For First Timers

From meticulously preparing your speech, through practicing it over and over again, to the very last moment when you are peeking through the curtains, it all leads to that awful feeling when your stomach drops with a bundle of nerves. Here are some tips for an outstanding perfromance.

El boom de los podcasts: un fenómeno peligroso

El número de personas que recurren a los podcasts para informarse cada vez crece más, lo que conlleva sus riesgos.

Tener veinte años es un chiste

"Tener veinte años es sentir que llegas tarde a un sitio, pero no saber cuál." La mayoría de nosotros no tenemos ni idea de quiénes queremos ser.

De Madrid a Roma: un Erasmus que cambia vidas

Muchos estáis esperando el momento de que por fin llegue vuestro tan esperadísimo “Erasmus”, una experiencia que recomiendo a todo el mundo.

Social Media: An empowering tool for attention-craving narcissists.

Narcissism is on the rise and digital media has become a powerful tool to empower an attention-fame-craving society.

Black Friday: Beyond Discounts – A Conscious Consumer’s Approach

We live in a world which pushes us towards consuming endlessly, and Black Friday two weeks away stands as no exception. I mean who can blame us?


Do We Have Free Will? A Look Into Both Schools of Thought.

The question of whether humans possess free will has been a captivating topic of debate since the time of the Ancient Greeks. This discussion...

From Stamps to Sonny Angels: The Psychology Behind Collecting

Regardless of the items, collecting is an action fundamental to the human experience. Why do we collect and what does it say about us? I fell down a deep rabbit hole pondering over this question and I am happy to share my findings with you.

Gen Z Retrospective: The Menendez Brothers

On the night of August 20th, 1989, Lyle and Erik Menendez, 21 and 18, entered their Beverly Hills home with shotguns in their arms and took their parents’, José and Mary Louise ‘Kitty’ Menendez, lives. What folllowed were chaotic years, bringing us to now, after serving 35 years in prison and a resurgence in their case. How has society's perspective changed?