Tags: Wellness

Euro Betting Tips – Football European Championship 2024

Just in time for the European Championships, the Stork provides a guide for students to bet on the football teams participating in this year's games.

Britain Limits Prescriptions of Puberty Blockers to Minors

The recently published 'Cass Review' in the UK has led the country's National Health Services to issue the decision that puberty-suppressing hormones will no longer be prescribed to minors. This decision has been met with mixed reactions and questions asking how the UK's stance on transgender care will affect the rest of the world.

What is Fitclub Collective?

Located in Madrid and Segovia, Fitclub Collective, or FCC, is a wellness and fitness center that focuses on four pillars to achieve the ultimate...


Why Doing Scary Things Is so Important

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl What truly pushes you out of your comfort zone? For some, stepping out of their comfort zone means traveling alone,...

Euro Betting Tips – Football European Championship 2024

Just in time for the European Championships, the Stork provides a guide for students to bet on the football teams participating in this year's games.

Editorial Announcement for the 2024-25 Academic Year

The academic year 2023-2024 has been an exciting period of growth for The Stork! The completely student-led and managed media outlet, with a team...