Tags: Writing


Ciclos finitos, soles eternos, noches de festejo, copas como espejos. Fiesta, ecos despiertos, desnudos paseos, y sentimientos a flor de piel.

To Be a Child of the Middle East: The Broken Beauty of Our Existence

By Nika Sabzevari It is March 10th, 2024, my 20th birthday. Surrounded by my parents and friends, I, an Iranian-German woman living in Spain, have...

Sinopsis: ‘Arts & Humanities Week’

Durante la pasada semana, del 8 al 13 de abril, se celebraron varios eventos centrados en las artes y humanidades en la ‘Arts & Humanities Week’.

Entre mis pies

Entre mis pies. Ciudad de la furia, calor ardiente,  inviernos atípicos, calles rebosantes, paseos que despejan.

Escritoras a tiempo completo

Las mujeres han escrito desde el principio, aunque desde una tímida ventana.

Algo así como ser invencibles 

Me encuentro reflexionando sobre lo que es ser invencible o inmortal en el sentido más humano.


"Habitar". Nos movemos entre percepciones e intuiciones, que no sabemos de dónde nacen, sólo de su imprecisión.


Con el auge de Uber, cada vez es menos necesario intercambiar palabras con aquellos en los que confiamos para llevarnos de un lado a otro.

Banned Knowledge

We all know the quote “Knowledge is power’’, and we all can acknowledge that most of our knowledge comes from literature and books. So what if that is banned? 

Kafkaesque and readable: Catch-22’s ‘just right’

Any reader interested in Kafka should begin with Heller. Specifically, if you are interested in The Trial I would recommend you start with Catch-22. Here is why.


Economic Impacts of Hosting the Olympics: Is Paris’ Investment Paying Off?

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl  This year, all eyes are on the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. It is one of the world's most famous...

Kenya Unrest: Inside the Tax Riots that Rocked Nairobi

By Lilli-Sage Bayes Kenya, renowned for its dynamic economy and relative stability in the East African region, is currently experiencing a wave of protests that...

Why Doing Scary Things Is so Important

By Alexandra Marie Charlotte Stahl What truly pushes you out of your comfort zone? For some, stepping out of their comfort zone means traveling alone,...