Team Catalyst Wins Student Government Elections


On April 4, Team Catalyst won the IE Student Government Elections with 38.24% of the votes. Team Boost followed with 24.19% of the votes, SynergIE with 20.91%, then Unity with 10.99%. Voter turnout has increased by around 17% since last year.

The student body has elected Donovan Schar Davis, Marc Garrigós, Charlotte Wayaffe, Lilian Andres, Sam Ferdinand, Desislava Aleksandrova, Isabella Ochoa, and President Johanna Jakobi to be the voice of the students for the next year. Jakobi found out about her victory through a message by Uma Miranda, President of Team Boost. As Jakobi said, “the sportsmanship was exceptional this year!”

After the announcement, Jakobi attended a meeting with class representatives, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Antonio De Castro Carpeno, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Miguel Larrañaga, and Head of Campus Life Sabine Yazbeck. They discussed the new student government’s intentions, the needs of the administration, and the future of their collaboration with IE. The team has already submitted their major objectives to the administration. Before the start of the next semester, they focused on rescheduling classes and providing free feminine hygiene products. Team Catalyst promises to be in constant communication with the student body after spring break.

In an interview with The Stork, Jakobi expressed her gratitude: “Thank you to everybody that voted – whether you voted for Team Catalyst or not. Please keep in mind that you can always approach us, whether it be with complaints, suggestions, or questions. We want to hear from you and work with what you have to say – the students really are the greatest asset of the university. Give us all the constructive criticism you can.”

To see updates from the student government or reach out to the team, follow their Instagram @ieustudentgov. To reach President Jakobi herself, send her an email to

Marie-Therese Burkard
Marie-Therese Burkard
I am a German/Austrian student of the dual Bachelor's degree of Politics, Law and Economics and Laws at IE University in Madrid. Apart from my interest in journalism, politics and law, I love theatre, film and the arts. I also really love reading. I guess exactly that little bit of interest everywhere is what draws me so much to journalism!

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