Formal Statement in Relation to the 2023 Student Government Elections


The Stork, the student-run newspaper of IE University, recently posted four articles representing each of the teams that are running for the Student Government elections. However, it was discovered that one of the curators of the interview-based pieces was part of a Student Government team and failed to inform the Managerial Board. Although the articles were thoroughly reviewed by the editors to ensure they were unbiased, The Stork Managerial Board admitted that they should have made sure that the involved writers weren’t involved with Student Government.

The Stork understands that this is not the first such event that has taken place this election season, as another writer who was part of a Student Government team posted an article about their respective team and failed to notify their editor about their bias. This article has since been deleted. 

The Stork will be investigating and reviewing both of these matters internally with the Managerial and Advisory Board.

Given all of this, The Stork Managerial and Advisory Board has decided to delete all news articles related to the Student Government for this election period to ensure fair and unbiased coverage. The Stork Managerial and Advisory Boards have acknowledged that there was a lack of clear policies and rules regarding the content that is written and published over the election. They hope that future instances will feature clearer communication to ensure fair coverage.

The Stork aims to publish content that is fair, unbiased, and factually based. They do not aim to favour any of the student government teams and will not be covering the remaining election period from a news perspective and rather solely represent the opinions of the student body in regards to the election.

The Stork invites IE students and faculty to submit their opinions in regards to the elections and all that has taken place via the guest writer platform linked here. These submissions would be considered as opinion articles and not news, therefore they can actively feature your personal opinions. This is an open invitation to all IE students and faculty, including current writers of The Stork, to ensure The Stork’s goal of ‘Amplifying IE Community Voices’.

– The Stork Managerial Board & Advisors

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