IE Global Transformation Club is a Madrid based club that aims to bring together IE students from all over the world interested in international relations, giving them a chance to debate and understand an ongoing changing world.
“We want to bring together open-minded people and diverse members that are working to understand the curious world of international relations”, said club president Philippine Laroye. “People can expect from us discussions on challenging topics and the chance to meet people from as many backgrounds, nationalities, genders and religious beliefs possible.”
This club expresses its vision by three main different means: conferences and panel discussions with high level speakers, debates around fresh topics between students, and their Global Transformation Podcast, with interviews featuring IE students considered “experts” in certain topics.
For these events, they often collaborate with other cubs whose participation might be relevant to the topic, like the recent co-hosted event with the Social Development Goals Club, with the participation of a member of the UN World Food Programme.
All their events follow a hybrid format, being held physically in the Madrid Campus and broadcasted for IE members in the Segovia campus or around other parts of the world.
Regarding the effects the global pandemic crisis has had on the workflow of the activities organised by the club, Laroye feels confident about it, believing it had a minimum impact and opened new opportunities for them:
“With this global pandemic situation and the switch to online events, we can reach out to speakers outside of Madrid, and even outside of Spain, to give talks for our club online to a bigger audience”
– Philippine Laroye
Nowadays, the club is working on future activities for the upcoming moths, including up-to-date topics such as the peace process in Colombia, diversity and inclusion, or the humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia, among many others.

Regarding more information, we encourage you to visit their profiles on Instagram, on LinkedIn, and on Campus Groups. For more topic suggestions and podcast featuring contact through email: or visit their website.