– How often do we forget about living each day as it was our last day in our life? –
Well, to start with, we all recognize that time flies in the current world and we usually tend to forget to take the time to appreciate details. The present moment is essential and extremely powerful. Let me now explain how important it is for us to be aware of it, especially given this never-ending rush of life we are all experiencing. Before getting into the detailed explanation, I would invite you to close your eyes and let me guide you through a brief experience of living the present moment.
The experience I will now invite you to, may perhaps be challenging at the beginning. However, know that the more we practice the power of now, the better we will be able to focus on the present. This may force ourselves to get out of our comfort zone but know that from the uncomfortable comes the growth. It is at the end of the day what we could call a journey into the Power of Now.
First, let all of your five senses arise in the power of now: feel your sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Focus on them. Think about them. All of the feelings and emotions associated with the situation of simply existing. Take the time to breathe, slowly, deeply. Enjoy this inner state of peace, calmness and equanimity. Appreciate that moment of stillness. Silence does speak and is more powerful than we tend to think. Breathe in and out. Bring an attitude of gratitude. Bring the awareness around you. Be aware of the fact that you are alive right now. Be truly grateful. Embody and embrace this moment. Observe and feel that sensation of abundance within you. Appreciate the moment itself. Feel the moment deeply within you. Take the necessary time to reconnect with yourself. Simply experience it. Become one with it. Listen to yourself. Now, feel the flow of energy rushing in your body. Visualize it as much as possible. Let go of all inner thoughts in your mind. Live the present moment, regardless of the situation you are currently facing. Stay in this moment as long as you want, fully savouring it. Once ready and only then, open your eyes and see how refreshed and ready you are.
Now, realise how that present moment has revealed within you a feeling of true power, passion and love. Inner peace and deep relaxation as well. Moreover, see how you have connected with your inner self, with your body, mind and soul interconnected at the same time. Through this true and powerful moment, see how time suddenly stopped. Indeed, time does not control you anymore, you are the one controlling it. You have that power of controlling the time. The inside world and the outside world become one. You are in true harmony with the world.
To conclude, we could say that we often overestimate the present we live in, always thinking in the past or future, worrying for our future professional career and personal life. When we focus on the present moment experience, you will breathe lighter air. Once you start to practice this power of now on a regular basis, you indeed become more and more connected with your surroundings, as well as grounded with the Earth. But above all, you finally become connected with your inner self, the essence of your Being.
From there, enlightenment will come to you naturally as you would have experienced this pure magical moment of being, of living the here and now. Then, you would have experienced the transcendence of that unique moment, that is the present moment. This moment that is eternal, ever-present in our life. I promise you will see a radical change in your life for the better!
Trust me!