It’s been a week since the international community was left stunned by the earthquake that took place in Turkey and Syria on the 6th of February. 4:17 am was the estimated time when the first earthquake hit with a magnitude of 7.8. Only a couple hour later the aftershocks of the quake took place with a 6.7 magnitude quake. Everyday there’s a new number of casualties in both countries that have already surpassed over 33,000 lives lost due to this disaster
Since last week, the IE Student Government has been organizing in-kind donations across its three campuses. However, the Turkish Embassy in Madrid has announced that they no longer have any capacity for more in-kind donations, and for this reason, we have curated a list of ways that you can offer your support in this time of need to the civilians affected by the tragedy.
In fact, a number of clubs and institutions like the the IE Culinary Club, Campus Life, The IE Foundation and more have come together to aid the community!
The IE Culinary Club (Segovia Branch)
Has been organizing a bake sale that will take place this Tuesday 14th, during the Club Fair (1-6 pm). All payments will be directed to the IE Foundation x Red Cross. They will be selling many different sweets as well as savory Turkish pastries.
The IE Foundation
Created a direct line with its partner, the Spanish Red Cross, and all contributions will be forwarded to the Red Crescent in both countries, Turkey and Syria. Donate here

IEU Counselling
This department has also highlighting its extensive team of mental health professionals and offering their support to students who have been affected by the recent earthquakes. Don’t hesitate to contact them by sending an email to
If you or someone you know is going through any mental health related emergency, make use of the 24/7 hotline (+34) 619 270 148.
The CEO of IE
Diego del Alcázar Benjumea, has offered his words of support to the IE community after the earthquake:
Students all around our three campuses have come together looking for ways to contribute, proving once more the international support and character of our university. The IE Community will always be there to give out a hand even if we find ourselves thousands of kilometers away from the problem.
Cover image courtesy of @IEuniversity on Twitter