The year’s romantic holiday by excellence is just around the corner, and whether you love it or hate it, this is the one time you are expected to spoil your lover. Even if you think you know your significant other better than they know themselves, it can surely still be tricky to pick out something that is both thoughtful, and that you know they will appreciate.

Personal gifts make the best gifts
Even though it can be hard to find a place to start, it’s a good start to take a minute to outline all the things you love about your partner, pastimes you share as a couple, and if there are any notable objects they have mentioned recently. Once you do this, start investigating. The more personal and intimate the gift, the better. This will show them that you show care and are attentive in your relationship.
For the world-trotter

Go on a trip! I know, that sounds expensive… But it most definitely does not have to be. A trip could be as simple as a nice walk or short train ride in your town, or the next village over. It is always a marvelous feeling to experience a new place with the person you most care for, since you create and share memories that you will not have with anyone else.
If you are at the Madrid campus, pay Segovia a visit, and vice versa! Also, check out these links for Spain’s most romantic cities and some of its most beautiful locations.
For the cook

First of all, you should both be treated to a romantic dinner – check out our review of Pasapan as a great place for a Valentine’s dinner Segovia. However if you are the one cooking, think of their favorite foods and give it your all!
If you want to give the cook of the relationship something, check out Amazon’s list of unique kitchen gadgets that are sure to facilitate and enhance their time in the kitchen. Some other fantastic options are recipe books (Salt, Acid, Fat, Heat is great for beginners), tasting experiences (this editors’ favorite wine subscription), gourmet chocolate, or some hard-to-reach spices!
For the determined one

Is your lover very invested in their hobbies? Do they struggle to find ways to proliferate them? Get them a Masterclass subscription! With the ability to indulge in their passions, from the experts, in the comfort of their own home, they are sure to extend their knowledge and enjoy what they are learning.
To make them feel special

Although this should always be your goal, this date is always the best to show your appreciation. This can be done in so many ways, but one of the most meaningful is letter writing. To receive a letter is arguably one of the most romantic gestures as thoughts are put to paper, and it is a piece of memorabilia you can keep forever. This, paired with a box of chocolates, candy, or flowers, is sure to make your lover swoon.
Check out these tips and prompts to write your love letter!
Finally, if you are alone this Valentine’s Day, don’t you feel ashamed. Your friends and family love you, and there is nothing wrong with celebrating this day with them. Stay tuned for our gift guide for this Valentine’s Day (Friend’s edition)!